Donor gifts help students overcome unforeseen challenges

Thanks to generous alumni and friends, University of the Pacific is well-positioned to support students when emergencies arise.
The Pacific Emergency Fund assists students facing unexpected and immediate financial needs. Grants help students purchase textbooks, replace broken equipment, pay bills and access emergency transportation. In recent weeks, many students also have asked for help with holiday travel costs.
The Pacific Emergency Fund is 100% donor funded. Associate Dean of Students Anne Schrumpf ’09, ’11 emphasizes that even small gifts make an immediate and profound impact.
“You don’t have to give $10,000 for your gift to be impactful,” she said. “Right now, we’re using $100 gifts to cover students’ fees to stay on campus during winter break and to help with transportation costs for those who are headed home.”
Please consider a year-end gift to help students overcome financial obstacles and persist in their studies.
During the fall 2024 semester, Pacific provided over $19,000 to students facing short-term financial hardship. The average award was $375.
A large number of support requests each year come from international and graduate students, two growing populations at Pacific for whom fewer financial aid opportunities are available.
Scott Biedermann ’05, ’20, vice president for development and alumni relations, emphasizes that by supporting students’ immediate needs, donors also are contributing to Pacific’s retention effort.
“For a student facing a difficult situation, a few hundred dollars can make a world of difference toward encouraging them not to give up on school,” he said. “Our alumni and friends who donate are helping tip the scale in a positive direction, so students can stay the course and graduate. For that, we are truly grateful.”
Please consider a year-end gift to help students overcome financial obstacles and persist in their studies.
Schrumpf’s team responds to a wide variety of needs. This fall, students who experienced a kitchen fire in their off-campus apartment received temporary meal plans. Several commuter students facing car trouble were awarded funding for Lyft or Uber rides.
For another student, emergency funds offset the cost of hearing aids following a new medical diagnosis.
“College students face a lot of problems that we can’t fix quickly or easily,” Schrumpf said. “We can’t fix someone’s mental health with one counseling appointment, and we can’t help someone understand complicated algebra in one tutoring session, but an emergency is something we can respond to quickly and nimbly, and it makes an immediate impact.”
Schrumpf and her team commonly hear students express deep gratitude for donors’ support and a desire to one day give back.
“It’s a happy part of my week, going through the requests and getting responses that say, ‘You have no clue how much this helps me’ and ‘I plan to pay it forward someday.’ It feels very, very impactful. We’re definitely making a difference for our students.”
Make an Immediate Impact
For those still considering a year-end gift to Pacific, there are numerous ways to support students now and in the future.
Gifts can be made online or via check or stock transfer. Many employers match their employees’ and retirees’ charitable donations, which is usually easily confirmed through Human Resources.
Alumni and friends over age 70 also can make qualified charitable distributions to Pacific through their IRA, fulfilling your required minimum distribution and providing tax benefits.
For tax purposes, gifts counted in 2024 must be received or postmarked no later than Dec. 31.
Invest in Pacific’s Future
Pacific supporters also can leave a legacy at Pacific through a bequest in a will or trust. Such gifts promise a transformational impact on students while providing tax benefits and/or lifetime income. Those who document their planned gift to Pacific are recognized with membership in the Heritage Society.
To learn more, contact Senior Associate Vice President for Development Molly Byrne at or 209.946.2780.